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Android Certified Application Developer (App Dev - Android+ iOS)
Accredited by:

Android Authorized Training Centre (Android ATC)

Program Description:


With Android phones being produced by all of the major phone manufacturers and with the addition of new tablet devices, it's no surprise that the Android platform is the fastest growing mobile development platform in the world & internationally.


This  iPhone  programming  training  course,  covers  the  key skills required to rapidly develop software for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Using a clear, step-by-step lecture, followed by specific lab exercises, you will quickly learn and master valuable iPhone Programming skills. Both Mac "newbies", graduates, and seasoned Mac professionals will gain new insight and clarity into iPhone Programming.

Module Outline:
DAY 1 – Essential of Android Development
Guidance Introduction
  • What is Android?

  • Android Architecture

  • Android Version and Distribution

  • Knowledge Check

Android Development Environment
  • System requirements

  • Workflow

  • Demo Development Environment Setup

  • Unpacking SDK ADT Bundle

  • Installing and Updating SDK

  • Creating AVD

  • Connecting a Mobile Device

  • Knowledge Check

  • Lab Activity 1

Android App Development
  • Demo App Development

  • Assigning ID

  • Size, Padding and Margins

  • Project Structure

  • Android Activity

  • Activity Life Cycle

  • Knowledge Check

  • Lab Activity 2

  • First App Source Code Android UI

  • UI layout

  • Android Common Layout#

  • Demo Layouts and Widgets Manipulation

  • Knowledge Check

Handling UI Widgets Input Events
  • On Click Listener

  • Image View

  • Image Button

  • Edit Text

  • Check Box

  • Flipper

  • Knowledge Check

  • Lab Activity 3

DAY  2 - Widgets


  • Selection Widgets

  • Adapter

  • ListView

  • Spinner

  • GridView

  • Gallery

  • HorizontalScrollView

  • AutoCompleteTextView

  • Knowledge Check

  • Lab Activity 4

Toast, Dialogs and Notifications
  • Toast

  • Custom Toast

  • Dialog

  • Notification

  • Knowledge Check

  • Lab Activity 5

DAY 3 - Other User Interface, Intent, Asynctask, Internet Connection, Persistent App Data. Location Service

  • Option Menu and Action Bar

  • Context Menu

  • Knowledge Check

  • Passing Data

  • Sharing using Intent

  • Sharing using Intent chooser

  • Sharing with specific package

  • Knowledge Check

  • Lab Activity 6

Asynctask Internet Connection

  • WebView

  • HttpGet

  • HttpPost

  • HttpURLConnection

  • Knowledge Check

Persistent application data

  • Shared Preferences

  • File Resources

  • SQLite Database

  • Knowledge Check

  • Lab Activity 7

DAY 4 - Location Service. Speech, Multitouch, Media

Location Service
  • Location

  • Map

  • GeoCoding

  • Reverse GeoCoding

  • Knowledge Check

  • Text to Speech

  • Speech Recognizer

  • Knowledge Check

  • Lab Activity

  • Motion Event

  • Multi Touch

  • Media Player

  • Media Recorder

  • Image Capture

  • Video Capture

DAY 5 - Accelerometer, Proximity, Gyroscope, Vibration Technology, Publishing

  • Accelerometer

  • Proximity

  • Gyroscope

Vibration Telephony
  • Making a Call

  • Sending SMS

  • Telephony State

  • Registering

  • Signing

  • Application Version

  • Package naming

  • Google Play

  • 3rd Party Market

iOS Chapter 1 - Get Started

  •  Obtaining the Tools and SDK

  •  Component of Xcode

  •  Architecture of the iOS

  •  Useful Information before Get Started

iOS Chapter 2 - Writing the First Hello World Application

  •  Setting Up Project in Xcode

  •  Customizing Your Application

  •  Displaying Launch Images

iOS Chapter 3 - Understanding Views, Outlets And Actions

  •  Creating and Connecting the Outlets and Actions

  •  Using View

  •  Adding Views Dynamically Using Code

  •  Understanding the View Hierarchy

iOS Chapter 4 - Exploring the Different View Controllers

  •  The Single View Application Template

  •  The Empty Application Template

  •  The Master-Detail Application Template

  •  The Tabbed Application Template

iOS Chapter 5 - Enabling Multi-Platform

  •  Modifying the Device Target Setting

  •  Creating Universal Applications

iOS Chapter 6 - Handling Keyboard Inputs

  •  Using the Keyboard

  •  Customizing the Type of Inputs

  •  Detecting the Presence of the Keyboard

iOS Chapter 7 - Supporting Screen Rotations

  •  Responding to Device Rotations

  •  Programmatically Rotating the Screen

iOS Chapter 8 - Introduction to the Table View

  •  Using a Table View

  •  Using the Table View in a Master-Detail Application

  •  Implementing a Search Capability

iOS Chapter 9 - Application Preferences and User Defaults

  •  Working with the Settings Bundle

  •  Programmatically Accessing the Settings Values

iOS Chapter 10 - File Handling

  • Understanding the Application Folders

  • Importing and Exporting Files

iOS Chapter 11 - Performing Simple Animations and Video Playback

  •  Using the NSTimer Class

  •  Transforming Views

  •  Animating a Series of Images

  •  Playing Video on iPhone

iOS Chapter 12 - Accessing Built-in Applications

  •  Sending E-mail

  •  Accessing the Camera and the Photo Library

iOS Chapter 13 - Accessing the Sensors

  • Using the Gyroscope and Accelerometer

iOS Chapter 14 - Displaying Maps

iOS Chapter 15 - Building iOS 5.x universal applications, compatible with version 4.x of  iOS.

  • Advanced user interface design for the iPhone and the iPad

  • Integrating your application with Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites.

  • Performance enhancements using Core Foundation in your applications.

iOS Chapter 16 - Using Instruments to find performance problems.

  • Major ninja-level optimizations.

  • 2D graphics and animation: Quartz and Core Animation.

  • Video, audio, the iPod library, AirPlay, etc.

iOS Chapter 17- Advance features in iOS

  •  Using iCloud Storage

  •  Introduction to Core Image

  •  Using Notification center

  •  Using Twitter on iPhone

  •  Integrating Social apps in to iPhone/iPad apps

iOS Chapter 18 - Camera Applications

  • UI Image Piker Controller

  • Using  UI Image Picker Controller in an Application

  • Adding Mobile Core Services Support 

  • UI Image Picker Controller Delegate and UI Navigation Controller Delegate 

  • Creating the User Interface 

  • Implementing the Action Methods


10 Days


This course is designed for software developers or anyone interested in building Android & iOS applications. However, computer programming experience in any language is a required prerequisite in order to benefit from this course.

Training Method:

Instructor-Led-Hands-on-Practical Training , Workshop

Assessment Methods:

Final Exam– Certification by Android & I-World Technology

What is the core competency do I get by earning this certificate?


In this course, you will learn to develop Android applications using Java and the Eclipse development environment etc. This intensive & comprehensive course, training & workshop, will guide students through the process of designing and developing Android Applications. The goal is to get you past the initial learning curve to help you to understand the way Android Applications work and how they are built, incorporating most of the  key features of the platform.


You’ll work on your own real iPhone application over the 5 days of the course, and afterwards, you’ll be ready to take your brand new skills to market and your prospective career.


What will I able to do as a result earning this certificate?

Student will have the skills and competency to develop / building their own app (Android / iOS).

How will earning this certificate benefits me and my employer?

With this certification, participant will able to enter the mobile apps industry.

The results of a recent survey may surprise you, but as per the study number of jobs for mobile application developer has increased by 100 % in India/USA, etc. Countries like India, China, Europe, Asia are emerging out to be the global talent hot spots for app developers. The factors responsible for the spurt in android jobs include India’s growing smartphone market (India is third fastest growing application market), more and more telephone connections pouring, among others. Currently, the Indian smartphone market is skyrocketing and recently it outpaced Japan to become the third global market after China and US. Android rules the market followed by IOS and windows.

Max Class Capacity:


20 - 30 persons.


Suitable For:

Public, Graphic / Multimedia / IT related student, Mobile App developer, Digital Entrepreneur.

Career Pathway:

Android App Developer, iOS App Developer, Android / iOS App Dev Manager, Android / iOS App Developer & Specialist, Entrepreneur.

Course Date:

To be adviced (TBA) - Please contact us.

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