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Certified IT Associate (CITA)
Accredited by:

Communications Convergence Professionals Society (CCPS)

MoHR/DSD (JPK) National Competency Standard Z010

Program Description:
This program builds skills in installing, configuring and managing a Linux operating system. Covers disk management, user management, command line & GUI, process control, application/service installation & management, network management and shell scripting.
Module Outline:
  1. Introduction to Linux/Unix

  2. Installing a Linux System

  3. Linux Administration

  4. Filesystem Essentials

  5. User Management

  6. Process Control & Service Management

  7. Shell Scripting & Programming Environments

  8. Networking Basics



7 Days


Basic knowledge of computer system

Training Method:

Hands-on, practical competence-based training

Assessment Methods:

Hands-on competence-based assessment (2 hours duration) + continual competence assessment during course + Final Examination

What is the core competency do I get by earning this certificate?
Participant will be able to:
  • Understand the architecture of a UNIX/Linux file system.
  • Install and verify a Linux system.
  • Create and manage user accounts.
  • Combine command line tools into simple scripts.
  • Work with graphical windows environments.
  • Create script files.
  • Manage Linux security.
What will I able to do as a result earning this certificate?

It is essential to have skills in Linux for Software Defined Networking Virtualisation & Cloud Computing. Candidates will gain confidence and transferable skills in analysis, problem solving and troubleshooting.

How will earning this certificate benefits me and my employer?
This program is suitable for anyone working in the IT field, particularly those who will be using Linux-based systems. Linux is used in Computer Servers, mobile devices (e.g. both Android & iOS are Linux based), televisions, Set Top Boxes (STB), embedded systems and will be used even more extensively in the “Internet of Things”. Telecommunication and IT organisations have noted that network equipment is now more about software than hardware and Linux is the operating system of choice for the vast number of these devices.

Max Class Capacity:

20 - 30 persons.


Suitable For:

IT Student, IT Technician, IT Support

Career Pathway:

System / Server Administrator, Network Technician / Engineer.

Course Date:

To be adviced (TBA) - Please contact us.

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